Craft and Technology
In line with the 21st CC competencies, the Craft and Technology Department aims to develop a child to be a creative and inventive thinker. They learn to solve problems and create products using various mediums, be it food, wood, steel or art.
As part of their learning process, students identify problems, generate ideas and test their ideas. Students are encouraged to marry function with fashion, to be pragmatic and aesthetic.
We hope for our students to be able to carry these skills through life and apply their knowledge and learning to real-world problems and situations.
Design and Technology (DNT)

The Design and Technology (D&T) department seeks to enhance Bowenians’ learning experience of the subject through the incorporation of the Design Thinking Process . This is to develop the 21st century skillset of Critical and Inventive Thinking in our students’ experience of the subject.
The goal of D&T education is to nurture in our pupils a way of thinking and doing – designerly dispositions which are inherent in design practices – through designing and making.
These designerly dispositions include:
embracing uncertainties and complexities
be cognizant of and resolve real-world, ill-defined problems
relentless drive to seek out how things work
use of doodling and sketching, and
3D manipulation of resistant materials as a language for visualisation, communication, and presentation.
Food and Nutrition (FN)
The Food and Consumer Education program aims to educate students to be health-conscious and discerning consumers. This enables them to better manage their lives for the present and the future. Through the lessons, students are equipped with life skills that optimise their resources of food, finance and time to meet their physical, mental, social and economic needs.
We take an innovative approach and aim to make the learning of the subject relevant, interesting and enjoyable for the students. By equipping our students with practical life skills through various activities such as investigative activities, planning balanced meals through supermarkets and canteen visits, they learn to connect what they learn with their own lives.
Some activities students enjoyed were Action-Research projects and level-based cooking competitions. In "Food in our Canteen" Action research project, various classes went to the canteen and approached the canteen vendors. Through their conversations with the vendors, students have found about more how their canteen food were cooked. They also came up with suggestions on how to improve the nutritive value of the food.
A cooking competition was open to Secondary 2 students and the aim was to discover Bowen’s young cooking talents. Through the competition, the students got an opportunity to unleash and discover their inner talents, develop their cooking skills, all while having fun.

Computer Applications (CPA)
The Computer Applications (CPA) syllabus aims to prepare Bowenians in the Normal Technical Stream to be technologically adept citizens, and to function and contribute effectively in an increasingly technologically-driven world.
The syllabus emphasises fundamental knowledge and skills, and includes the appreciation and use of several software application packages for word processing, computer drawing and image editing, multimedia presentations and documents, spreadsheet calculations and charts, game design, programming; as well as, applications on the Internet.
Specifically, the aims of the syllabus are to enable students to:
acquire skills in using a variety of application software and associated computer hardware to accomplish tasks, communicate, and facilitate activities
develop an awareness of how computing technology is used in the home, school, workplace and community
appreciate the role computers play in everyday life and recognise the impact computers have on society and people
develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Bowen has also been participating in the annual Media Computing Competition for CPA Coursework conducted by the Ministry of Education since its inauguration in 2012. Our students from Secondary 2 and 3 have been showing strong interest and aptitude and have won several top 10 awards in their respective categories of animation and game programming.

Bowen offers GCE 'O' and 'N' Level Art as electives. The Art programme is a two or three-year course starting at Secondary Three and ending with the GCE 'O' or 'N' Level examinations at the end of Secondary Four or Five.
Art in Bowen as a subject, aims to identify and groom students in the Arts while instilling in them with a greater sense of appreciation for the aesthetics.
Our art curriculum is structured to provide students with the opportunities to become creative, innovative and thinking citizens of Singapore, leaders with a passion for the arts and a heart for the community and lifelong advocates of the arts.
Art assessment for lower secondary level is based on class assignments and an art examination in term 4. Secondary 3 art curriculum will be more technical, exploratory and theory-based, The assessments consist of class assignments and examinations. Secondary 4 and 5 art curriculum will be coursework based.

Craft and Technology Team
Craft and Technology Teachers
Officer |
Email Contact |
Mr. Jason Yap
HOD/C&T | |
Mdm. Sim Sze Hwei
| |
Mr. Jackson Ng | |
Mr. Lau Chee Seng | |
Mr. Freddy Tan |
Technical Support Officer | |
Mr. Ng Yew Hian |
Technical Support Officer | |
Food & Nutrition Teachers
Officer |
Email Contact |
Mrs. Irene Leong
| |
Mr. Randy Low
| |
Mrs. Eve Chia | |
Computer Applications Teachers
Officer |
Email Contact |
Mdm Angela Tan |
Co-ordinator / CPA | |
Ms. Estelle Chong |
Year Head | |
Mr. Alvin Chong
| |
Mr. Chong How Kiat | |
Art Teachers
Officer |
Email Contact |
Mrs. Sim Sook Fen
| |
Mrs. Wong Swee Keng
| |
Mdm. Noorlidiawati | |